Interview with Roadmap Writers Success Story #415 - Spiro Skentzos

Interview with Success Story

We've helped sign 15 writers in 30 days, so we have a whole lot of Success Stories to share! Today we're chatting with Spiro Skentzos and his journey to representation with Underground.

This interview was submitted on 09/30/2024

Firstly, tell us about yourself! Who are you as a writer & who did you end up signing with?

I'm a drama writer who has worked primarily in the genre space on such shows as Arrow and Grimm. I also have credits in half-hour, and in streaming animation with a series called CHADAM, based on the eponymous character which has a cult following. I've also sold 3 pilots to studios/financiers. My last one was to a major studio at the end of 2019 with a plan to take it to market as a package in March, 2020--and well, you know how these things go (i.e. the global pandemic that ruined us). During the pandemic I was dropped by my management company, as I developed several pieces of IP with no team of my own attached. I think post-Covid-strike-contraction, everyone has been feeling it, and I was no exception. Through a program, Joey Tuccio sent my material to several reps, and I met with a few, and I chose Diego Rey/Underground as he really seemed to get me--and our working style overlapped. He's super sharp, and has a great attitude. (I was really looking for someone who shares the 'can-do' spirit I have.) I love having someone who understands what the word "team" means, and how we can work together to make some things happen.

How did you meet your now rep? What was that first interaction like and how did it lead to your professional relationship now?

We had a meeting set at Soho house, and we really hit it off. Signed with him then, and an hour later, I already had a general in the works and had been submitted to a show that was staffing. Now, that's service!

How did Roadmap Writers assist in getting you to this point? Do you think you could've made this step in your screenwriting career without Roadmap?

I think right now everything is so bleak in Hollywood, and everyone is working from a place of fear--maybe not outwardly, but everyone--execs, producers and writers--doesn't know what is happening, when/where/how things will get back to 'normal' or what 'normal' even will look like, so it's been hard to get repped, staffed, etc. Execs and producers are even being let go left and right. Not to be all dramatic, but Roadmap was like this flash in the night. I really think they cut through the darkness, and took a different approach to getting me out there. They looked at places I didn't think about or even know about. And I think it's a reminder that thinking outside the box and being positive is always a good way to move forward.

What types of stories do you write? What's your "writer brand" and how do you think that helped you attract a good match for representation?

Ultimately, despite loving all things genre and geeky, it has to begin with character. I'm drawn to writing complex and flawed characters--whether in a procedural or serialized show—who face their struggles with pathos and humor as they explore their relationships. I'm excited to put these characters in a hospital drama, a sci-fi adventure, a period piece, etc. I think that my new rep saw what I could do with characters and relationships, and he wanted to see where we could go with that, together.

In 10 years, what do you want your screenwriting career to look like?

Well, I have a dual US/EU citizenship, so I hope at some point I'm in Paris shooting a show I created, or producing a show I'm staffed on!

Thanks Spiro for sharing your journey with us - best of luck!

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