Female horror writers!
Stuff that's strictly comedy/drama.
Casey Malone, a D.C. born film lover, is a Producer/Development Executive working and living in Los Angeles. After a year as an onset hero (a.k.a production assistant) and CBS page, she worked at THE PRICE IS RIGHT (oh the stories!) and then made the jump to scripted TV and film as a Creative Executive at Robert Zemeckis's production company ImageMovers. After 2 years she made the jump to Snapchat, where she honed her skills by producing short-form content. As of June 2023, she is the Head of Production and Original Content Development at Breleased Productions, a social media production company. She meets with creators, writers, directors, actors, producers, always searching for new and incredible stories to tell. And with a penchant for horror, she'll never say no to a good ghost story!
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