Charmaine Colina - BIO


Charmaine Colina


CHARMAINE COLINA is originally from the Philippines and grew up in the LA suburb of San Gabriel, raised on Saturday morning cartoons, Star Wars action figures, and Dodger games. Her parents’ love for American movies and TV shows painted the backdrop of her childhood. But like many Asian-American kids, she rarely saw herself represented in media. Writing became her way of creating a more inclusive world. She studied Art at UCLA and honed her screenwriting skills through the UCLA Professional Program in Screenwriting and Writing for TV.

In 2023, Charmaine won the Grand Prize in Emerging Screenwriters Drama Competition with her western, GUNSLINGER BRIDE, and won the UCLA Professional Program in Writing for TV Competition with her comedy, AUSTENTATIOUS. She was honored by the Asian-American Podcasters Association with the 2023 Golden Crane Award for Best Fiction Podcast for her comedy, LITTLE MAN, which also won Best Podcast at the 2024 Atlanta Women’s Comedy Film Festival. 


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