Eleni Sakka - BIO



Finalist, Josephson Entertainment + Roadmap Writers Short Story Competition


ELENI SAKKA is a native Greek who moved to Scotland for her university studies but the Scottish temperament, the beautiful, ragged countryside and the country's rich history won her over, and she is a permanent resident for more than a quarter of a century already. She was a bookworm and gifted with a natural curiocity and an overactive imagination from a young age; realising later, all the above being her tools when writing. 
She reads just about everything, but when writing, she gravitates towards imagining passionate love affairs, with an air of old Hollywood movies, taking place in past historical eras, infused with elements of mystery, crime or magical realism. 
Currently, Eleni lives in Edinburgh with her husband and their two cats, while going though her own writing Odyssey by working on her first novel. 

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Our vetted executives are chosen by the legitimacy of the companies they work for and their ability to evaluate pitches and pages.

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