GERARDO 'GERRY' MARAVILLA is a Mexican-American writer and filmmaker based in Los Angeles. Born and raised in the San Fernando Valley, he's the bicultural lovechild of Tim Burton and Guillermo Del Toro.
His work has screened at festivals throughout the country such as Palm Springs ShortFest, the Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival, the Newport Beach Film Festival, and many more. His scripts have earned placements in competitions from the ISA, the Austin Film Festival, Screencraft, WeScreenplay, Roadmap Writers, and more.
He's been a writing fellow in Film Independent's Project Involve and the Stowe Story Labs as well as a filmmaking fellow in the New York Film Festival's Artist Academy and Hola Mexico's Tomorrow's Filmmakers Today. In 2023, he was part of the Cine Qua Non Storylines Lab with his coming of age vampire feature, Niño de Vidrio (Child of Glass).