SUZY MILLER lives in London and her pilot “Walking Gran” was the Winner of a Pilot Competition out of nearly 800 scripts platformed by The BBC Writer's Room.
Her first comedic cinematic short One More Guest?, inspired by her mother’s early-stage dementia, was produced in 2021. The film was accepted into and placed/won in numerous festivals including an Honourable Mention at the 2023 London International Film Festival, and Nominated Best Short Film & Selected Staff Pick at ARFF International.
Suzy loves to challenge conventional stereotypes, and her portfolio of TV series and Features reflects her own distinctive lens of the world. Her life experiences and compassion for the stories of ‘invisible’ audiences who are currently not adequately represented - whether diverse through age, gender, or disability - inform her work.
She has been an eco-activist (staying within the law!), been involved in local politics, and has campaigned for more peaceful ways to divorce. Her focus as a writer is to influence positive change. Not tell people what to think, but move them emotionally to consider perspectives they may not have thought deeply about before.
Her portfolio includes screenplays, that have won and been placed in numerous competitions including Monza Film Fest, Screencraft, New York City Int Screenplay Awards and Emerging Screenwriters, WeScreenplay Diverse Voices Lab, and World Cine Fest.
Suzy is an alumnus of Stowe Narrative Lab 2023, and has been accepted onto the NOSTOS writing retreat for June 2024 (max. 8 participants selected), and completed a screenwriting Masters Degree (Falmouth University). She has always written: marketing copy, social media; and newspaper articles, and in 2019 was invited to deliver a TEDx as she is also an expert in better ways to divorce.
She has a history as a film editor and working in drama development as a script editor for Channel Four and BBC Films, and was accepted to do a screen/radio writing practice-led PhD at Goldsmiths University where she developed a love for also writing for radio.