VIRAT PAL is an Indian filmmaker based in LA whose work is steeped in the horror genre. His latest short titled NIGHT OF THE BRIDE has recently started its festival run - an official selection at Fantasia 2023, it has had screenings at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival, and the Overlook Film Festival where it won the Jury award for the Scariest Short Film. His previous films have been immensely popular online and received well in festivals - from THE BELLS, which has over 7.4 Million views on YouTube and numerous reaction videos online, to FACELIFT which premiered at a host of popular genre fests around the world including ScreamFest, Grimmfest (UK), MonsterFest (Australia), Fantafestival (Italy), and Les Utopiales (France) amongst others. Virat is currently gearing up to direct the horror feature PRIMETIME that is in the casting phase for Shikha Kapur 's company The Sourrce in India.