Will Raines - BIO



Quarterfinalist, Roadmap Writers Kids' Television Competition 2024 



WILL RAINES was born, raised, and currently resides in Florence, SC, but he never let that hinder him from getting his Masters of Cinema Studies from NYU and then moving to Los Angeles to work in the film and television industry. While in Los Angeles and interning at a production company he made the move from film to TV and began his writing career, hoping to break in as a comedy writer. His Master of None Spec earned him a top 10 finish in the Nickelodeon Writing Program. His son was born 2 days after the death of his father and his script THE RACE CAR TIME MACHINE imagines the amazing adventures his son and his dad would have had if they had ever met and if they had a time machine. 

The Roadmap Promise

Roadmap Writers prides itself on the quality of executives we bring to our programs and we work hard to get you the best feedback possible.

Our vetted executives are chosen by the legitimacy of the companies they work for and their ability to evaluate pitches and pages.

Only the executives you sign up for will be provided with your materials.