Need some extra guidance on your pitch? Wanting some one-on-one with an exec to get your pitch really polished? You know the importance of a strong pitch, but so many factors go into making it resonate, and it always requires more practice than you think. In your private 30-minute call with the exec, you'll get tailored guidance to prepare you for your best delivery yet. Submit your 1-2 page written pitch for the exec's prior review, and you'll begin the call by giving your 5-7 minute verbal pitch. You’ll then discuss delivery, clarity, structure, characterization, pacing, the opening of your pitch, and how best to end.
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Have comps ready that are similar to your project. Imagine what the 2 minute trailer of your project would look like.
Looking for high-concept horror. We prefer it not to be a period piece but we're open to it for the right concept. Also looking for high-concept thrillers. Also open to high-concept comedies or romcoms. All of these can be male or female driven.
Agustine is VP of Features at Amigos Studios.
Previously Agustine was VP of Features at 3Pas Studios and Director of Development at RatPac Entertainment (HORRIBLE BOSSES 1-2, TOWER HEIST, THE REVENANT, ASSASSINS CREED). He was also a co-producer on TETRIS which premiered on Apple + in 2023 and the ESPN 30 for 30 Documentary: Mysteries of the Rimet which aired during the 2014 World Cup.
Agustine has several projects in development, mainly in the genre space. 3Pas Studios currently has Acapulco on Apple+.
Upon registering, you will receive instructions on how to submit your material in your order confirmation email. After submitting your material, please allow 3-4 weeks to receive proposed times for scheduling your call with the exec. Your private pitch practice session will take place over video conferencing software ZOOM so you will receive a link to review the recording of your session at your leisure!
**Please note written pitches are limited to 2 pages maximum. Please contact for pricing on a consultation for a written pitch exceeding 2 pages.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with Roadmap's Code of Conduct.
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Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your registration for a refund or Roadmap gift card if you have not yet submitted your material for review. However, once your material has been received by Roadmap, your registration cannot be canceled. Having revised material or a desire to retroactively apply a discount or gift card code are not grounds for cancellation, refunds, or gift card credit. Once your material has been submitted, the only acceptable grounds for cancellation and a refund or gift card credit is an unforeseen, ongoing emergency on the part of either the writer or the exec resulting in more than 6 weeks without any scheduling update from the exec via direct contact or Roadmap, or a sudden change in the exec's ongoing availability. In the instance of an irreconcilable scheduling issue, the writer may still receive a written feedback report from the exec. In this case, the writer is not entitled to a refund or gift card credit as the exec has read the submitted material and provided written feedback in lieu of the call.