Half-hour streaming, cable, network, multi-cam, single cam. Big, fun weirdo comedies. Anything with a heart. Messy characters who can't get their lives together. Coming of age stories. Female-driven series and features. Musically-driven series and features. Rom coms. Silly, raunchy comedies.
Alex Zaragoza is a television writer, producer, and journalist based in Los Angeles. She wrote on Amazon Freevee's PRIMO created by Shea Serrano and executive produced by Mike Schur and NBC's LOPEZ VS. LOPEZ. She's currently developing a series with Jon M. Chu and 20th Century Fox based on on her years as a punk teen on the U.S.-Mexico border. As a culture journalist, Alex has written and edited for VICE, LA Times, NPR, Teen Vogue, Bloomberg, and others. On most days you can find her thinking too hard about reality TV, the lady that runs Club Chalamet, and the emotional intelligence of crows.
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- Your material submission is due as soon as you are ready, but no later than 9:00am PT on the day of the session.
- During the session, the exec will read as many of your opening pages as they can get through in 10 minutes.
- You will receive this exec's written feedback on your pages via email within 10 business days following the session unless otherwise notified.