EVERYTHING. I am fascinated by storytelling. One of my biggest strengths is helping writers take a story - sci-fi, horror, comedy, batshit calamity, whatever - and help them figure out what the grounding, human elements are that audiences can coalesce around. To understand what connects and why, and build your world out from that bedrock to a universe where that grounding forces you to create rules to follow and consistency in using them to drive the story home. I want writers to write the story they want to write and, where I can be helpful, is steering to the right headspace to work smarter not harder.
I have no problem offering an opinion if I bump up against something, and I have no problem trying to get you not to steer away from the things you want to say about you and your people, but sometimes the best ideas on paper are the worst on film/TV. I have no interest in telling you who you should be. I am only interested in helping you grow to become the best version of how you see yourself. Also, no, I have no interest in writing a screenplay with you based on your idea that you think we should work on together. I'm still OK at coming up with my own projects :) Other than that: I love dark, mean comedy. But I'm not going to be a part of a conversation with someone with a vendetta taking it out on a vulnerable group of people. I am not helping to punch down. Ever.
Geoff moved to Los Angeles in 2004 with no money, one wing, and half a prayer. He was a Reader for several major studios and production companies for over four years before selling his first screenplay in 2008. That movie got made into the 2010 New Line Cinema release GOING THE DISTANCE, put a credit on his resume, taught him invaluable lessons, and since then...he is still waiting on getting his *second* movie produced. But he's carved out a strong and steady career as a WGA member over the last 15 years and gets energized these days by helping and guiding writers to discover their best work and their best selves.
Geoff LaTulippe's insights on the pages of my work have been transformative, elevating it to a compelling page-turner. His approach is direct and incisive, offering feedback from someone who has navigated similar challenges and genuinely aspires to foster growth in others' writing abilities. Geoff's guidance is practical and deeply empathetic, reflecting a sincere desire to assist in developing one's writing craft. I plan to seek Geoff's expertise for future consultations on my work. His experience is an indispensable resource for writers aiming to refine their stories and enhance their impact.
~ Allie Theiss, Screenwriter
After registering, you will receive instructions on how to submit your material in your order confirmation email. Please be sure to select Career Coaching as your consultation type on your material submission form, so that you are able to submit all supplemental materials on the same form. Provide your script, writer bio, and one-pager of your loglines (to include Title, Format, Genre, and Comps with each logline). After submitting your material, please allow 3-4 weeks to receive proposed times for scheduling your call with the exec.
**Please note screenplays are limited to 120 pages maximum. Please contact terra@roadmapwriters.com for pricing on a consultation for a screenplay exceeding 120 pages.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with Roadmap's Code of Conduct.
Questions? Email terra@roadmapwriters.com
MARKETING BONUS! If you receive a rating of Excellent or Virtually Flawless in at least four out of five categories (Logline and Formatting/Ease of Reading are excluded) on your consultation feedback report, we'll do one round of personalized marketing to execs (up to 5) for this screenplay for free!
Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your registration for a refund or Roadmap gift card if you have not yet submitted your material for review. However, once your material has been received by Roadmap, your registration cannot be canceled. Having revised material or a desire to retroactively apply a discount or gift card code are not grounds for cancellation, refunds, or gift card credit. Once your material has been submitted, the only acceptable grounds for cancellation and a refund or gift card credit is an unforeseen, ongoing emergency on the part of either the writer or the exec resulting in more than 6 weeks without any scheduling update from the exec via direct contact or Roadmap, or a sudden change in the exec's ongoing availability. In the instance of an irreconcilable scheduling issue, the writer may still receive a written feedback report from the exec. In this case, the writer is not entitled to a refund or gift card credit as the exec has read the submitted material and provided written feedback in lieu of the call.