How to Land Your First Staffing Gig

Webinars ~ Marketing Series
Hosted By:
Celena Cipriaso - Executive Story Editor, THE CLEANING LADY, CLARICE

Pilot season is nearly over, which means it's time for shows to start staffing their rooms. For TV writers, this is one of the busiest times of year: sending out samples, taking meetings, and then taking more meetings. But for those of us wading into our first staffing season (or wanting to get as much information as possible before we're ready to wade in) how to actually get staffed on a show seems pretty nebulous. 

What are the actionable steps you can take right now to prepare for staffing season? And how should you navigate your meetings and put your best foot forward with every showrunner you chat with? 

With all this and more, Roadmap welcomes alumna Celena Cipriaso


This 90-Minute Webinar Will Cover:

  • What is staffing season?
  • Samples and portfolios
  • How to take meetings
  • Audience Q&A!
More about
Celena Cipriaso
Executive Story Editor

Celena Cipriaso is a first-generation Filipina/American, who worked on Seasons 1-3 of THE CLEANING LADY for Fox and was most recently an Executive Story Editor. Previously a Staff Writer on CBS/Secret Hideout’s CLARICE, she worked her way up as a writer’s assistant on shows like STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. She was a fellow of the 2017-2018 NBC Writer’s on The Verge Program and was named as one of the up-and-coming TV writers for 2023-2024 Next List by Coverfly and Tracking Board. She got her start in TV helping her grandma learn English by watching All My Children (which she also eventually became a writer for). In another life, she was a pop culture and beer journalist for outlets such as CNN, Slate, and the Root.

How it Works


If you have any questions or any trouble accessing the recording, email our Director of Education Alexandra Davies at!

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Roadmap Writers prides itself on the quality of executives we bring to our programs and we work hard to get you the best feedback possible.

Our vetted executives are chosen by the legitimacy of the companies they work for and their ability to evaluate pitches and pages.

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