Writing for Actors

Webinars ~ Craft Series
Hosted By:
Kyle Andrews - Producer, Writer, Development Exec, FilmFrontier Studios

Everyone has their favorite thing about writing. Some people really love crafting a world and mythology. Some people really love intricate plot lines. And some people really love writing awesome characters and snappy dialogue. 

No matter what you write or your process, writing compelling characters that an audience wants to spend hours with is an important piece of a scripts' success. But writing characters that an actor would want to play can be the difference between your project getting made or not. 

This 90 Minute Webinar Will Cover: 

  • Creating compelling characters 
  • Writing believable but engaging dialogue 
  • How actors break down a script 
  • What actors look for in characters 
More about
Kyle Andrews
Producer, Writer, Development Exec
FilmFrontier Studios

Kyle is a Los Angeles-based producer, writer, and development exec with almost two decades of experience in the business. An Emerson College graduate, he is one half of the creative team behind FilmFrontier Studios.

Their debut feature production, the dramatic sci-fi/thriller THE VEIL, recently premiered at the HP Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland, OR, before screening as an official Dark Matters selection at Austin Film Festival's 30th Anniversary.

His podcast experience includes hosting an interview show with filmmaking creatives called MAKE YOUR SH*T. Previously, he co-produced and story consulted on the award-winning audiodrama podcast A PLACE CALLED FAIRNECK.

He has also been a freelance and contracted script development consultant, having run several major screenwriting contests and development programs around the industry.


I really appreciated Kyle's energy and enthusiasm. It gave me the boost I needed to get through a pretty heavy re-write that I hadn't been looking forward to!

~ -Matt Walker, Screenwriter

How it Works


If you have any questions or any trouble accessing the recording, email our Director of Education Alexandra Davies at alex@roadmapwriters.com!

The Roadmap Promise

Roadmap Writers prides itself on the quality of executives we bring to our programs and we work hard to get you the best feedback possible.

Our vetted executives are chosen by the legitimacy of the companies they work for and their ability to evaluate pitches and pages.

Only the executives you sign up for will be provided with your materials.