We all want each and every character we write to be engaging and fully formed on the page regardless of gender, so why is it that our female characters often struggle where our male characters don't? What is holding them back, and how can we make sure we don't fall into the common pitfalls execs and readers are so used to seeing?
To answer all this and more, Roadmap welcomes Evan Schmitt to the webinar stage!
This 90-Minute Webinar Will Cover:
- Character introductions
- Characterization
- Dialogue
- Audience Q&A
Evan Schmitt is a freelance comedy writer, script doctor, and creative director with a background in development and management. Previous companies include Balance Pictures, PMG, Creative Content, and most recently, Confidential Cartoon Studios. Evan calls the world of independent filmmaking home and has collaborated on multiple award-winning projects. In her spare time, she teaches screenwriting and hosts the podcast, Real True Facts.
If you have any questions or any trouble accessing the recording, email our Director of Education Alexandra Davies at alex@roadmapwriters.com!