Writing Socially Conscious Films

Webinars ~ Craft Series
Hosted By:
Saul Delcompare - Creative Executive, Film, 1Community

Stories are a lot more powerful than we may give them credit for. In a lot of ways, we learn values and norms from the media we consume, and those values stay with us as we continue forward. While all stories have a message/moral/theme to leave the audience with, some stories are more focused on the impact they can have on audiences than others - i.e. socially conscious films. 

Join us and Saul Delcompare for this webinar all about writing socially conscious films! 

This 90 Minute Webinar Will Cover

  • Concepts for socially conscious films 
  • Researching 
  • Executing the idea on the page 
  • Live Q&A 
More about
Saul Delcompare
Creative Executive, Film

Saul Delcompare, born and raised in Mexico, found the love for storytelling when he first saw JURASSIC PARK. Saul studied Communication and New Media at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where he produced several projects, including web series.

Saul started his career as an assistant at Endeavor Content and worked in International TV sales and the indie film group. Additionally, he worked at CAA media finance group specializing in projects with LATINX attachments and projects from LATAM and Spain. He currently works as a Creative Executive at Scott Budnick’s One Community where he executes his passion for developing projects that celebrate culture and diversity.

How it Works


If you have any questions or any trouble accessing the recording, email our Director of Education Alexandra Davies at alex@roadmapwriters.com!

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Our vetted executives are chosen by the legitimacy of the companies they work for and their ability to evaluate pitches and pages.

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