Rachel Hroncich - BIO

Shorts Laurel - Queaterfinalist





RACHEL HRONCICH (ron-sick) grew up in Pittsburgh, the daughter of a car salesman and a police officer. In 2018  she completed the UCLA Professional Program in Writing for TV. Her scripts have placed in festivals including The Austin Film Festival, Slamdance, CineStory, and most recently as a Finalist for the Stowe Story Lab Diverse Voices Fellowship. When not writing, she works as a critical care hospital pharmacist. She enjoys beach volleyball, endures yoga, and tries to turn various baked-goods vegan with limited success. She will happily answer your questions about brand versus generic drugs if you promise to never ask for her opinion about an infected body part.

The Roadmap Promise

Roadmap Writers prides itself on the quality of executives we bring to our programs and we work hard to get you the best feedback possible.

Our vetted executives are chosen by the legitimacy of the companies they work for and their ability to evaluate pitches and pages.

Only the executives you sign up for will be provided with your materials.