Singing and dancing are what comes to mind when you think of a musical but Jonny Perl is here to tell you it’s so much more. Jonny will go into the origins of musical theatre and how it was only in the 1940’s when storytelling was added as an element and the rest, as they say, is history. He’ll use real-life examples to demonstrate how musicals are adapted from stage to screen and how others go straight to screen (a la LA LA LAND). He will also cover the differences between musicals, musicals that drive the narrative, and musicals that are stories with songs inserted.
This 90-Min. Webinar Will Cover:
- Determining the genre
- What makes a movie qualify as a musical
- History of Musicals
- Different types of musical inclusions on-screen
If you have any questions or any trouble accessing the recording, email our Director of Education Alexandra Davies at!